
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

to install garmin on n series or nokia n 5800

How To Install Garmin XT on Nokia 5800 (Symbian S60 v3) I recently bought a Nokia 5800 and asked if the shop keeper could install Garmin XT for me. Guess what? He wants to charge RM 80 (USD 20) for that! It turns out, it is pretty tough considering my lack of expertise when it comes to Symbian OS phones. I spent 3 days experimenting all possibilities to make it work on my phone. Since it took a lot of my time, I’m going to save yours by teaching you. Before you do anything, and read all the instructions before hand. It’ll help you to visualize the process. Download file contains     * GarminMobileXTforSymbianS603rdEdition_50040.exe    * GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe    * GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe    *...

Get a Second iPhone 4 at RRP with the iDiGi Promo!

Get a Second iPhone 4 at RRP with the iDiGi Promo! Posted by admin on 12:21 PM at Tuesday March 8th, 2011 There’s nothing quite like the joy of being the owner of a brand new iPhone 4. We know. It’s just so shiny, so pretty, and nothing beats the ‘ooooohs’ and ‘aaaahs’ from your friends when you whip it out to show them that cool app you just bought today. But it gets a little lonely after a while if you don’t have anyone to share...

Chase Down the Perfect Deal with the DiGi iDeal Hunt

Chase Down the Perfect Deal with the DiGi iDeal Hunt Posted by admin on 05:09 PM at Monday March 21st, 2011 Hey DiGi Angels, We know you all love good deals – that’s why you’re with DiGi, right? This time, we’re bringing you great deals but with a twist: you’ll have to hunt it down yourself with the DiGi iDeal Hunt! After all, victory is the sweetest when you have to work hard for it. Introducing the DiGi iDeal Hunt! If you enjoy...

DiGi Easy Prepaid gives you FREE calls & SMS to your “buddyz”.

DiGi Easy Prepaid gives you FREE calls & SMS to your “buddyz”.Nowadays when DiGi gives something for FREE, I need to think twice, “how long will it be free?” Anyway, if it could benefit you until it is no longer free, then this is still useful isn’t it? So what is exactly free with DiGi Easy Prepaid? Have you heard of Friends & Family (FnF) ? I am sure all DiGi users are familiar with this.  They still retain FnF in the new prepaid plan but only limited to 3 numbers. Does it look bad? Actually no, because the other 3 number is under their new feature which is called “Buddyz”. Alright, what the heck is this Buddyz? This is where things comes for FREE . For these 3 Buddyz numbers, you can call and sms for free. Not only...

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