How To Install Garmin XT on Nokia 5800 (Symbian S60 v3)
I recently bought a Nokia 5800 and asked if the shop keeper could install Garmin XT for me. Guess what? He wants to charge RM 80 (USD 20) for that!
It turns out, it is pretty tough considering my lack of expertise when it comes to Symbian OS phones. I spent 3 days experimenting all possibilities to make it work on my phone. Since it took a lot of my time, I’m going to save yours by teaching you.
Before you do anything, and read all the instructions before hand. It’ll help you to visualize the process.
Download file contains
* GarminMobileXTforSymbianS603rdEdition_50040.exe * GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe * GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe *...